Program Tamga-KIT ORFO said diploma for the contribution to the development of the national media.
Media Support Center has awarded the author Tamga ORFO KIT -Chodoeva Ruslan diploma “For contributions to the national media”
Quote from the site of the center:Nomination “For contributions to the national media”: Ruslan Chodo, the author of TAMGAS KIT ORFO
Honored special diploma received by the program TAMGA KITORFO Ruslan Chodo in the nomination “For contribution to thenational media.” A talented programmer created a program thatfacilitated the work of producing the editors kyrgyzskoyazychnoyprinting press. It may be added to the program successfully used bydepartments and official organizations.
Fully article can be read here .
Plug-in spell checker for OpenOffice Updated
Updated version for Win32. Now the dictionary and spelling checker, and the same for OpenOffice and MS Office. Adding new words and changes in the dictionary will be updated automatically for both systems. The update can be downloaded from this site.
Plug-ins for InDesign CS3 and CS4 updated.
After correcting some errors updated plug-ins for 3rd and 4th versions of Adobe InDesign. Now the soft and forced transfer is carried out correctly. Also “correctly” takes some of the paired words with a hyphen.
Built and moved to the site in kg zone.
Finally it appeared in the KG site area. Thanks to a good man moved the site from on this site. In this site, you can not only download necessary software but also to leave comments, suggestions, etc..
KyrSpell 2.0 – The system of spelling checker of the Kyrgyz language for MS Office 2003,2007, 2010 и 2013.
Spell checker spelling checker Kyrgyz language thesaurus (synonym dictionary) and hyphenation in Microsoft Office and other applications. Checking and Hyphenation by standard means, that provides functionality in any application where there is a corresponding function (eg, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.)
Russian-Kyrgyz terminology dictionary
Russian-Kyrgyz terminology dictionary
Terminology dictionary with full-text search function.
The dictionary contains about 5 thousand terms in Russian as well as their translation into the Kyrgyz language. Allows you to quickly find the desired translation of the term in the Kyrgyz language. Has a clear and intuitive interface.
Spell Checking for Kyrghyz Language in OpenOffice 2.0 and above – for Windows and Linux.
Plugin (Plug-in) spell checking and hyphenation Kyrgyz language for Adobe ® InDesign ® CS3, CS4, CS5 и CS6
Plugin (Plug-in) for Adobe ® InDesign ® CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6
How do you know when typing, as well as in the layout of books, newspapers and magazines inevitably arise typos, spelling errors. But in the adjustment process, proofreading, etc. These errors are corrected as they are discovered. But no one is immune from what mistakes can be overlooked and not seen, and these errors are found already in the finished magazine or newspaper. Therefore, there are tools that automatically check the text for spelling errors, and if any is found, then notify the operator or user. These include built-in spell checker text editors such as MS Word, OpenOffice and so on. Also the same function is a program that is directly executed layout. These programs include InDesign. Recently, this program gets more and more popularity with designers, so it was decided to implement a spelling checker and hyphenation Kyrgyz language for this program. In this case, it was necessary to take into account that this additional function makes changes in the usual course of the coder, or require minimal effort. Due to the fact that InDesign is easily supports the introduction of third-party plug-ins, this problem is resolved very correctly and competently. Therefore, this program comes as a plug.
Plugin spellchecking
The plugin itself, ie that part of the program, which deals specifically with the spelling checker is part of a software product – “Tamga-KIT, which is being developed and refined for over 10 years and is a leader who can say a monopoly in our country in this sector of the software. Basically Dictionary contains about 100 thousand words. Where in addition to basic words additionally contains first and last names, place names of cities, settlements in the Kyrgyz language. But the main highlight of this program – a unique algorithm for word formation and retrieval of words in the dictionary. The dictionary is regularly updated with new words.
This plugin allows you to automatically transfer words into an editable document InDesigna the rules transfer the Kyrgyz language. As you know default InDesign endures Kyrgyzstani words on Rules transfer Russian language. But for words that contain three Kirghiz letters, InDesign does not exercise the transfer. This plugin solves this problem easily and quickly. To do this in the text had InDesigne linguistic markers “Kirgiz (Kyrghyzstan)” and abazts had marked as “transfer”. The creation of this plugin has been implemented with financial support, “HEF Media Support Center” and is free to all comers. Updated plug-in or new versions can get a “HEF Media Support Center» («Freedom House») or from the author of the program.
Plug-in проверки орфографии кыргызского языка для InDesign CS3 (1.2 MiB, 10,141 hits)
Plug-in проверки орфографии кыргызского языка для InDesign CS4 (1.2 MiB, 10,270 hits)
Plug-in проверки орфографии кыргызского языка для InDesign CS5 (1.2 MiB, 11,539 hits)
Инструкция установки плагина проверки орфографии кыргызского языка для InDesign (80.2 KiB, 13,107 hits)
Plug-in проверки орфографии кыргызского языка для InDesign CS6 (1.6 MiB, 6,051 hits)
New versions for InDesign CC 2014
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2014_10.1_(32bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,863 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2014_10.1_(64bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,697 hits)
For versions InDesign CC 2014 10.2 and above
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2014_10.2_(32bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,471 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2014_10.2_(64bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,665 hits)
For InDesign CC 2015 11.0 and above
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2015_11.0_(32bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,690 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_For_InDesign_CC_2015_11.0_(64bit).rar (1.5 MiB, 2,855 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2017 12.0
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.0_x32.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,017 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.0_x64.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,042 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2017 12.1
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.1_x32.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,135 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.1_x64.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,126 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2018 13.0
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.1_x32.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,135 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2017_12.1_x64.rar (1.1 MiB, 3,126 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2018 13.1
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2018_13.0_x32.rar (1.1 MiB, 2,650 hits)
TamgaKIT_Plug-in_for_InDesign_CC_2018_13.0_x64.rar (1.1 MiB, 2,917 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2019 14.0 (1.4 MiB, 2,508 hits) (1.5 MiB, 2,416 hits)
Для версии InDesign CC 2020 15.1 (1.5 MiB, 1,728 hits)
Language pack for MS Office 2007 for the Kyrgyz language from Microsoft
Language pack Kyrgyz language for MS Office 2007 from Microsoft
Language pack is specifically designed for the Kyrgyz language. After installing the settings of MS Office 2007 add the language “Kyrgyz”, after switching to a weight that office interface changes to the Kyrgyz language. In addition to changing the interface is added to spell check the Kyrgyz language from the firm Microsoft.
But after the Research of spelling, which is installed with the language pack by default, I have concluded that it is still damp. Although I may be wrong … as in the dictionary there are not many words, just not part of the form of words. The dictionary does not contain the names and locations. Therefore suggest that after you install this language pack, reinstall KyrSpell 2.0. Ie renew the spell checker in MS Office 2007. After that you have added hyphenation, full spell checker and dictionary thesaurus Kyrgyz language. For injection spread only link to the Microsoft site.
Developed a plug-in (Plug-in) spell checking and hyphenation Kyrgyz language for Adobe ® InDesign ® CS3, CS4 and CS5.
- Thanks to the support “HEF Media Support Center»(« Freedom House ») appeared plugin which allows you to automatically check spelling and transfer words on the rules of transfer of the Kyrgyz language in the edited document InDesigna. The plugin is free to all comers. This plugin can be downloaded from our site.