Plug-ins for InDesign CS3 and CS4 updated.

Автор: Руслан Чодоев 24.02.2011

After correcting some errors updated plug-ins for 3rd and 4th versions of Adobe InDesign. Now the soft and forced transfer is carried out correctly. Also “correctly” takes some of the paired words with a hyphen.

В рубриках: News

Отзывов (2) на «Plug-ins for InDesign CS3 and CS4 updated.»

spp пишет:
01.04.2011 в 07:47 AM

Чон рахмат!

Бактыбек пишет:
14.04.2011 в 06:09 PM

Руслан, чоң рахмат! Абдан куттум эле!


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