(Русский) Вы можете проверить правильность написания слово в онлайн орфографическом словаре Карасаева.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and Кыргызча.
Plug-in spell-checking and hyphenation for InDesign CC 2014 and InDesign CC 2015
Вышла версия плагина для InDesign CC 2014 и InDesign CC 2015. Плагины включает проверку орфографии кыргызского языка и переносы текстов. Реализованы для 32 битной так и для 64 битной InDesign. Что нового: Добавлены версии для 64 битной InDesign. До этой версии все плагины были исключительно 32 битными. Улучшен алгоритм получения правильных слов. Теперь названия языка […]
Created Plug-in spell checking and hyphenation for Kyrgyz language for Adobe InDesign CS6.
According to numerous requests from users who have already switched to the new version – InDesign CS6 created a plugin for this version. Install the plugin as well as for previous versions. Download and use for free on health. Снимок экрана InDesign CS6 в режиме проверки орфографии текстов на кыргызском языке TamgaSoft inc. 2012.
Updated plug-in spell checker and hyphenation service for the Kyrgyz language for Adobe InDesign CS5
After correcting some mistakes updated plug-ins for the 5th version of Adobe InDesign. Now soft and forced hyphenation is correct. It is also “correct” carries some paired words with a hyphen. Download and use free!!!
1,000 users have already downloaded the program KyrSpell 2.0
Today, April 10, 2012 1000 users have downloaded the program KyrSpell 2.0 – Spell Checking Kyrgyz language for MS Office 97-2010 This means that today the 1000 instance of the program is the guardian of spelling texts in the Kirghiz language.
Кыргыз тилинин жазуу эрежелери (орфографиялык эрежеси)
“On the implementation of the software product” Tamga KIT/2010 “
It turned out the decision of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture, information and religious policies of the Jogorku Kenesh on “The introduction of software product” Tamga KIT/2010 “ More information about the solution can read here – “On theimplementation of the software product” Tamga KIT/2010 “
Program Tamga-KIT ORFO said diploma for the contribution to the development of the national media.
Media Support Center has awarded the author Tamga ORFO KIT -Chodoeva Ruslan diploma “For contributions to the national media” Quote from the site of the center: Nomination “For contributions to the national media”: Ruslan Chodo, the author of TAMGAS KIT ORFO Honored special diploma received by the program TAMGA KITORFO Ruslan Chodo in the nomination “For contribution to thenational media.” A talented programmer created a program thatfacilitated the work of producing the editors kyrgyzskoyazychnoyprinting press. It may be added to the program successfully used bydepartments and official organizations. Fully article can be read here . -
KyrSpell 2.0 – The system of spelling checker of the Kyrgyz language for MS Office 2003,2007, 2010 и 2013.
Spell checker spelling checker Kyrgyz language thesaurus (synonym dictionary) and hyphenation in Microsoft Office and other applications. Checking and Hyphenation by standard means, that provides functionality in any application where there is a corresponding function (eg, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.)
Russian-Kyrgyz terminology dictionary
Russian-Kyrgyz terminology dictionary Terminology dictionary with full-text search function. The dictionary contains about 5 thousand terms in Russian as well as their translation into the Kyrgyz language. Allows you to quickly find the desired translation of the term in the Kyrgyz language. Has a clear and intuitive interface.