

1. түш-, ылдыйла-;
2. -дан чык- (from)

Examples of translations: descend

English Russian
But that doesn't mean that all, or many, or most of today's attested languages couldn't descend perhaps from one that's much younger than that, like say 20, 000 years, or something of that kind. Но это не значит, что все, или многие, или большинство современных заверенные языки не могли спуститься возможно тот, который намного моложе, что, как говорят, 20, 000 лет, или что-то в этом роде от.

Examples of translations: descend

English Kyrghyz
But that doesn't mean that all, or many, or most of today's attested languages couldn't descend perhaps from one that's much younger than that, like say 20, 000 years, or something of that kind. Бирок ошондой болсо да мүмкүн азыркы текшерген тилдерин көбү эртерээк, мисалы 20000 жыл, тилден болуп чыккан.

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